

1. 当您在byte.skin进行个人用户注册、参加网上或论坛等各种活动时,在您的同意及确认下,本网站将通过注册表格等形式要求您提供一些个人资料。您有权在任何时候拒绝提供这些信息,您在本站点上所提供的所有信息都是基于自愿的原则。

2. 会员所提供的资料将会被本网站统计、汇总。

3. 在未经访问者授权同意的情况下,本网站不会将访问者的个人资料、企业资料泄露给第三方。以下情况除外:

4. 本站点所提供的服务会自动收集有关访问者的信息,这些信息包括访问者人数、访问时间、访问页面、来访地址等,本站点使用这些信息来对我们的服务器进行分析和对网站进行管理。

5. cookie是一个标准的互联网技术,它可以使我们存储和获得用户登录信息。本站点使用cookie 来确保您不会重复浏览到相同的内容并可以获得最新的信息,并确认您是byte.skin的成员之一。我们并不使用cookie来跟踪任何个人信息。

6. 访客评论可能会被自动垃圾评论监测服务检查。

Our site address is: https://byte.skin

1. When you register as a personal user or participate in various activities such as online or forums on byte.skin, with your consent and confirmation, this website will require you to provide some personal information through registration forms and other forms. You have the right to refuse to provide this information at any time, and all information you provide on this site is based on voluntary principles.

2. The information provided by members will be collected and summarized by this website.

3. Without the authorization and consent of the visitor, this website will not disclose the visitor’s personal or corporate information to third parties. Except for the following situations:
(1) Provide personal information to relevant units at the request of law enforcement agencies or for public purposes;
(3) Any personal information leakage caused by visitors sharing user passwords with others or registering accounts with others;
(4) Personal data leakage, loss, theft, or tampering caused by force majeure events such as hacker attacks, computer virus intrusions or outbreaks, temporary shutdowns due to government regulations, etc. that affect the normal operation of the network;
(5) Personal information leakage caused by other websites linked to this website and any legal disputes and consequences arising therefrom;
(6) To relieve visitors of urgent danger to their lives, bodies, or property.

4. The services provided by this site will automatically collect information about visitors, including the number of visitors, visit time, visit pages, visit addresses, etc. This site uses this information to analyze our servers and manage the website.

5. Cookie is a standard Internet technology that allows us to store and obtain user login information. This site uses cookies to ensure that you do not repeatedly browse the same content and can obtain the latest information, and to confirm that you are a member of byte.skin. We do not use cookies to track any personal information.

6. Visitor comments may be checked by automatic spam comment monitoring services.